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Common Causes of Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain is something that just everyone has struggled with at some point in their life, and usually it's a passing problem and you can often trace it back to a bad meal and the discomfort goes away on its own. But not all cases are so simple, some of the circumstances why you'd want to see your gastroenterologist for abdominal pain are explained below, but to learn much more you can reach out to your local experts at Southern Gastroenterology Specialists in Stockbridge, and Locust Grove, GA.

Digestive Issues

You may experience occasional abdominal pain from issues related to digestion, and these can include problems like diarrhea, constipation, gas, indigestion, food allergies, and food poisoning, among others.

Temporary irritation and inflammation, such as that caused by stomach flu, can also lead to abdominal pain.

Abdominal pain may also be brought on by menstrual cramps and ovulation pain for women.

When to See Your Gastroenterologist

Many of the above issues could still warrant a visit to your doctor, although they are typically manageable. But it is recommended that you visit your gastroenterologist if your abdominal pain does not improve with time, or if it worsens, or comes on suddenly.

Other symptoms that could signal a serious issue or disease also include, trouble swallowing, fever, bloody stools, yellowing skin, and swelling.

Abdominal Pain Treatment in Stockbridge, and Locust Grove, GA

For mild symptoms related to abdominal pain, you can try adjusting your diet to smaller blander meals, but certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) may not be recommended as they can worsen symptoms, so consult with your doctor before taking them.

For severe symptoms, however, it's important to see your gastroenterologist as soon as possible. Your doctor can evaluate your health history and risk factors and after a series of tests, they can determine the best treatment for your needs.

Different types of gastrointestinal cancers also have abdomen pain as a symptom, but these types of cancers often only manifest symptoms once they are advanced and a serious condition, which further highlights the importance of seeing your gastroenterologist early.

For help treating abdominal pain, you can schedule a consultation with the health professionals at Southern Gastroenterology Specialists in Stockbridge, and Locust Grove, GA, by dialing (770) 692-0100.

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